English Episodes


Jump, the Terpreneur method

A conversation with Cecilia, the Diplomatic Interpreter in London. In October 2024 I had the pleasure of meeting Cecilia Lipovsek at the ATA Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon, United States.

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Conversation with Carola about Ethics in Education

Ethics in Education

A conversation with Carola Lehmacher National Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for Translators and Interpreters in Education As the educational interpreting and translation professions in the United States

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Sales leader in languages

Be a sales leader

a conversation with Kristin Gutierrez This episode is sponsored by Lift Value Translations & Consulting. Thanks for your support! Be a better sales leader is the book you need if

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How to make a living as a copywriter1

Earn more in less time

A conversation with Ed Gandia This episode is sponsored by Lift Value Translations & Consulting, your place to go when creating copy that communicates, with translations connecting all across the

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Our Nonnas taught us true communication

Nonnas & True Communication

The book La Nonna captivated my soul and helped me move forward. by Elena Bernabé I travelled with my eldest son, Juan, to pursue the Italian citizenship for our family.

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Content Marketing writers are very creative, curious, and innovative. Jennifer is the Queen on all these issues!

Copywriters create new worlds

a conversation with Jennifer Goforth Gregory A true Bible for us, Copywriters. This book really changed the way I approach my job and the way I work on a creative

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Localize your content and become TRULY GLOBAL!

Truly Global

A conversation with Anna Schlegel Anna N Schlegel is a native of Catalunya. She is the author of the book Truly Global. Moreover, she is the founder of “Women in

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Less busy, more impact

Less is always MORE. This concept is hard to understand and apply. We have ups and downs, but the importance is to keep on showing up, moving forward. Thanks, Chris for this!

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Signs of Civilization in 2022

How punctuation changed history A conversation with Bård Borch Michalsen  In the Southern Hemisphere Spring has arrived in the International Translation Month! September is here! And also a new season

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First Anniversary of our Podcast!

Hi TRIBE! Hi dear Community of ATTITUDEABLE people!! Today is a day to celebrate & get inspired!! Today we are celebrating the FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF OUR BELOVED PODCAST CHANNEL!!! ATTITUDEABLE

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Hero of your Own Story, Dani Saveker

Dani is a living source of inspiration. She certainly lives deliberately. She is truly UNIQUE. To copy is something she is not even aware of.Dani has been developing a process

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Happy Thanksgiving!

This is a very special episode to take time to reflect on your own path and BE THANKFUL.I am very grateful for this space and for all the authors, and

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The Success Playbook, Dr. Evi Prokopi

In this episode, Evi talks to us about her experience writing her amazing book, a best-seller already and the ATTITUDE you need to thrive and be successful today. Congrats!Dr. Evi

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True to YOU Branding, Raquel Borras

Venturing out into the unknown world of running your business is often an exciting and nerve-wracking process. Adding the complexities of navigating that process during a global pandemicis nothing short

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The Recruiting Guru, Ashlee Jones

Ashlee Jones is an expert on LinkedIn. She received the LinkedIn Awarded PowerUser. Have you ever heard about this? Tune in & learn!She lives in the Greater Memphis Area with

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Our Careers & AI, Matthew Renze

Matthew is an expert and has done tons of research on AI and all its developments. I was lucky to meet him at the beginning of 2020. A friend of

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Speed of Mind, Ayesha Bibha

Ayesha Bibha has been researching on the relationship between neuroscience and leadership for a long time. She calls it Neuro-Leadership.In March 2019, she delivered a TED Talk that our brain

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Culture & Values – Gordana Panajotovic

My guest today is Gordana Panajotovic. How important is Culture? Gordana is an International Coach Federation (ICF) member and she holds the Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential. She graduated from

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Show up! A chat with Jessica Glazer

In our most recent episode, we talked to Jessica Glazer about the importance of continue working during this Pandemic. Tune in & get ready! Communicate your unique word! In this

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365 Firsts Challenge, Ann Bernard

Welcome to a new episode of Attitudeable Podcast! I am thrilled today to interview Ann! I met her at a fabulous Podcast Conference some months ago. I learned a lot

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