In our most recent episode, we talked to Jessica Glazer about the importance of continue working during this Pandemic.
Tune in & get ready! Communicate your unique word!
In this conversation Jessica, CEO, Headhunter, Speaker, Business Broker, Executive Search Recruitment Consultant shares with us the importance of SHOWING UP in this crazy time with so much uncertainty.
As an HR Expert, she stresses the importance of keeping it up, no matter the circumstances. In uncertainty, we have to keep on working and doing what we love!
Jessica, who lives in Montreal, Canada, is an empowerment coach as well as the founder and CEO of MindHR a recruitment and resume writing agency.
She is also a motivational speaker and appears regularly on various news and radio stations speaking about employment related issues.
She was the television host of Videotron MaTV Starline, micro-documentary series about local businesses as a multi-generational and multi-ethnic urban exploration of Montreals entrepreneurs and job market.
Jessica has further worked as a recruitment consultant, LinkedIn Branding specialist, and served on ACCESS board of directors for Employment &Staffing services, with advances best practices and ethical standards within the recruitment industry.
MindHR strives to be the best rather than the biggest. MindHR’s full-cycle recruitment agency is based in Canada, but they place people in the US, Europe, and Asia. Our premier customer service and personal attention separate us from other staffing and recruiting firms.
They work together with job seekers to understand that every search is different, that’s why the career searches they initiate are discreet and sensitive to your personal needs. They also noticed a strong need for resume writing.
The goal of MindHR is to provide companies with top tier talent. With strong values, collaboration, and a culture of excellence, their emphasis is always on the outcome. Client satisfaction. By contacting MindHR you will gain invaluable tips, excellent customer service, coaching, and inside knowledge of requirements and expectations. With MindHR, our commitment to your success will be unsurpassed. Whatever your need or your search, their goal is to see you succeed!
Do not get discouraged. KEEP IT UP! And Show UP! Thanks for listening!