with Dolores R. Guiñazu
Opening the door to a new world of people transforming lives and the way we do business
Change-makers, thinkers, authors, and icon stars share ideas, dreams, experiences, Communication, Self-growth, Relationships, and Entrepreneurship.
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Latest Episodes

Jump, the Terpreneur method
A conversation with Cecilia, the Diplomatic Interpreter in London. In October 2024 I had the pleasure of meeting Cecilia Lipovsek at the ATA Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon, United States.

No imagen, tu marca personal
Una conversación con María A. Sánchez María A. Sánchez es autora y especialista en marca personal, salud y belleza científica. En su primera obra No imagen, aborda la importancia de

Ethics in Education
A conversation with Carola Lehmacher National Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for Translators and Interpreters in Education As the educational interpreting and translation professions in the United States
Conversations with Authors, True Rock Stars, icons of the global communication world, creators and business people deeply focused on the study and the research of the importance of being humans in all of what we do. By imprinting our own seal we discuss how our lives and our attitudes will be transformed.
Popular Episodes - Spanish

Sueltos de lengua, una conversación con la Dra. Alicia María Zorrilla
Alicia María Zorrilla es una académica y lingüista argentina especializada en la normativa de la lengua española. “Jamás perderé las esperanzas de que se hable y se escriba mejor” Alicia

El apasionante origen de las palabras, una conversación con Daniel Balmaceda
ATTITUDEABLE abre las puertas a un nuevo mundo de personas curiosas que transforman vidas y la forma de crear sus trabajos. Todos somos creadores y artistas de las palabras que

La Ciencia del Lenguaje Positivo – Primera Parte
En este episodio, tuve el honor de entrevistar a Luis Castellanos. Luis es autor de varios libros, filósofo de la ciencia e investigador. Hoy nos habla sobre uno de sus
Popular Episodes - English

The Success Playbook, Dr. Evi Prokopi
In this episode, Evi talks to us about her experience writing her amazing book, a best-seller already and the ATTITUDE you need to thrive and be successful today. Congrats!Dr. Evi

Our Careers & AI, Matthew Renze
Matthew is an expert and has done tons of research on AI and all its developments. I was lucky to meet him at the beginning of 2020. A friend of

Collaborative Environments with Jeremy Scrivens
In this episode, Jeremy talks about the importance of collaboration, working together, without competition, and about adaptive change in order to thrive. He talks about the ATTITUDE needed to face
This unique word we created is made out of ATTITUDE, the noun, + the suffix ABLE added to the noun, to denote CAPABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY.
Adding it as an adjective: ABLE TO DO STH, meaning that we have to remember, and never forget, that we have the skill, intelligence, opportunity needed to do whatever we set our minds to.
So, ATTITUDE goes hand in hand with our capability to put anything into practice.
Being ATTITUDEABLE empowers us with MOVEMENT.
We encompassed in only one word our ATTITUDE and our exclusive ABILITY to move, to make changes happen.